
Hello China Readers


Next are a range of books mostly written, designed and illustrated by Marie Lukic, suitable for primary school classroom reading. Some of these are also useful reference texts for literacy, English, Drama and History.

Hello China introduces students to Chinese culture. The kit features exciting activities, including poetry, drama and multiple intelligence. Vocabulary activities such as Work Walks highlight the language and content of the texts. The kit is not only designed to enhance historical knowledge of China, but also develop an understanding of leadership, initiative, English language skills and culture.

The Hello China Kit includes texts that dovetail into each other, so layer student knowledge and experience of Chinese culture. They are perfect for mini-class sets, and contain a variety of levels to cater for not only basic student requirements but extended learning. Texts include multiple-intelligence activities, literacy and plays. Mainly illustrated, the Hello Series  hopes to ignite student interest in culture. The Hello China Series includes readers for students at Middle Years and are quality library reference texts.

Suitable for class sets across the curriculum. Subjects include: Literacy, English, Humanities, SOSE, Drama, Textiles and EAL.