
Beginner’s art: an  exciting journey!

I’ll keep readers updated with my development in the arts this year.

Background: I began developing my fine art skills last year with surprising results.

I hope to illustrate one of my children’s picture books,

but creating my own illustrations to inspire young readers is a major journey of development.

In the past, I have researched illustrations in photo libraries and leased such illustrations,

which enhance texts like my Hello China series.

Already I have made a few attempts at art illustrations–but they are not nearly impressive enough.

I may give up. Art is a struggle to say the least after all these years of precious writing!

Above, I have featured my first oil painting. I quite like the blue bay based on a photo from a magazine

though you may probably guess, I popped in the orange yachts.

Recently I noticed a similar gigantic work of esteemed art in a regional gallery, reflecting a similar theme

–but it was sensational with a floral foreground! Seascapes are utterly charming in the hands of an artist!

Feel free to share your journeys in the artistic realm.