
International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day commemorates the struggles and victories of women throughout history.

Frequently the question is Why do we have an international women’s day? Of course, it’s to celebrate choices women have won today, choices and freedoms often absent historically. We also celebrate the achievements of women in a range of occupations.

In Australia women have the vote, may own property, have a career and an education. Gone are the days, at least theoretically, that married women had to resign from their occupation once they married.  Although we have won the right to equal pay, we experience interruptions due to family demands, and often have much less financial security. Equal pay should mean equal pay for equal work, don’t you agree? Education about the necessity for women’s independence is an ongoing essential element of our modern world.


Update on Silk and my Kingdom of Nerada series

Thank you for your comments thus far. I am greatly encouraged. By the way, if you do wish to license or stage my play Silk, email me personally as it is perfect for the Year of the Dragon, complete with the Dragon Dance and several others that could be choreographed. My poetry could transform into outstanding songs, and Silk could be a hit musical! What fun.

I would love to attend a performance in Melbourne, Australia, if you decide to stage Silk.

If you wish  to purchase any of my available books, go to the drop down menu Books. Google Play has digital copies. Otherwise see KDP Amazon.

Thank you to those who have purchased online copies of my texts. It was encouraging to receive a few dollars royalties! A beginning at last!

I am still fine tuning my Kingdom of Nerada series and have several novels with wonderful dragons of the Lost Sea Kingdom almost ready to launch.



Image: Marie Lukic International Women’s Day zeitgeist





I am Marie Lukic, the owner of the website. I am a writer, a teacher and research family history.

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