
Australian Historic Tales

Hi everyone,

Thank you all for the encouraging comments. Back to Australia’s pioneers though. Many early Australian families have colourful historic convict characters, and much treasured anecdotes , or adventures from our goldmining frontier.

When we view the demonization of the poor in Great Britain 1840-50 by the Poor Law, the public was instructed to consider those seeking charity as dishonest thieves. The poor desperately stormed the poorhouses. We do understand that many tried and convicted to transportation to Van Diemen’s Land and later Botany Bay were indeed starving souls, trying to feed  hungry families.  The need to survive often led to conviction, frequently for minor crimes, such as theft of a loaf of bread, according to our anecdotal history! Britain sought to populate Australia via transportation, and this destination offered much hope to free settlers. Later, goldmining taxes paid off the entire United Kingdom debt, thus identifying incentive to populate Australia during the goldrushes. The potato famine led many usually well-off citizens into starvation and destitution because the Irish diet was frequently dominated by potatoes and cabbages, so they emigrated to Australia lured by gold and the hope of an improved life.

Let’s question false  assumptions that apply guilt to innocent Australian pioneer families who have honestly striven to do their best for our nation, and arrived here after hardship in their homeland.  One response appears to be ‘Oh, I thought Aussies were all descended from convicts!’ and/or responsible for the indigenous situation. Now, this discovery is a genuine shock to me as I am very proud of my family! Feel free to stomp on  inverse racism by sharing family tales, considered anecdotal historical treasures. I’m certain my readers would love to hear from you.

The innocent souls that tar us all with the convict brush and the indigenous situation are often mostly beautiful people, but we are at pains to clarify the true extent of the innocence and accomplishments of many of these early families. If our history is rewritten, let’s rewrite it accurately for Australia! Feel free to post historic stories on your own websites or social media, stories that illuminate the achievements of our proud ancestors. Our voices count is my website motto. Each of you, whom is aware of such tales of survival and adventure, is welcome to contribute!


Update on my Kingdom of Nerada series

The good news is that I have two children’s fantasy novels, including a surprise second, both in design stage, and a third, Doughnut Dungeon to revise this year.  I withdrew the early digital publications a few years ago,  and hope my revised Kingdom of Nerada trilogy will soon be available. I have a fourth title to write. My series is full of mythical moments, dragons and princesses, but I challenge the stereotypes and push boundaries. Self-publishing myself has been an absolutely surprising process, full of unexpected revisions and challenges. I hope to launch the Kingdom of Nerada series later this year.

A few of the spammed comments promoting products are a little too entertaining though, so please be sensible! I love hearing from you all.


About Marie Lukic

  • I studied  Discrimination  & Law: Racism & Sexism  (Legal Studies sub-major Latrobe University). The sub-major included studying the Australian Constitution first year and History.
  • In the past, I held an Equal Opportunity Position in a secondary school for three years while teaching secondary English/Humanities.
  • I have researched, written and illustrated two volumes in draft of my family history. 
  • I am an established Australian author.
  • Professional Writing & Editing Diploma
  • Bachelor of Arts English major
  • Educational qualifications

Photo: pioneer homestead (art: acrylic marker on paper, Marie Lukic)

I am Marie Lukic, the owner of the website. I am a writer, a teacher and research family history.

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